Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Russell Falls

We stopped at the playground at Granton grabbed a map, one pinapple icecream and one choc mint icecream and headed west.
Russell Falls are a short 10 minute walk from the Mt. Field Visitors Centre. They are truely amazing. Another short walk and you are greeted by the Horseshoe Falls somewhat dwarfed in comparison but stunning all the same. Then we headed on up to the Tall Trees walk. Oh the agony... B2 complained the whole way up "I'm only little .. and my little legs are worn out!! I wanna go back now!!" We spotted Pademelons and wallabies, slipped in the mud and climbed countless stairs. However, the children were very impressed by the Clinometer and seeing the tallest flowering hardwoods 'in the world!!' I invented "I'm thinking of a song" on the return trip and B2 didn't complain once. Victory!

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