Monday, June 28, 2010

Launceston College presents Back to the 80's

We had a girls afternoon out and took B2's friend off to the theatre. B2 bopped along to the songs she knew. I was quite surprised how many she did know. She didn't get some of the concepts that her little friend did, but they enjoyed the show immensely. Fantastic songs, great choreography and good humour. AAA+

Duck Reach Hike

We took a walk down to Duck Reach Power Station Museum. There are sooo many steps! Which is fine until you have to head home.

I find the rocks here, in Tassie, fasinating.
B1 thought it would be cool to have a picture that made it clear where his head was.
B2 threw a tantrum and ran half the way back up the track - wish I had half her energy!!

Rolller Derby

The little sunshiners went skating with vacation care and begged to go back!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Russell Falls

We stopped at the playground at Granton grabbed a map, one pinapple icecream and one choc mint icecream and headed west.
Russell Falls are a short 10 minute walk from the Mt. Field Visitors Centre. They are truely amazing. Another short walk and you are greeted by the Horseshoe Falls somewhat dwarfed in comparison but stunning all the same. Then we headed on up to the Tall Trees walk. Oh the agony... B2 complained the whole way up "I'm only little .. and my little legs are worn out!! I wanna go back now!!" We spotted Pademelons and wallabies, slipped in the mud and climbed countless stairs. However, the children were very impressed by the Clinometer and seeing the tallest flowering hardwoods 'in the world!!' I invented "I'm thinking of a song" on the return trip and B2 didn't complain once. Victory!

Snow, Snow at last!!

We decided to take a detour on our trip home from Hobart last week and headed to Mt. field. Joy oh Joy there was SNOW!!

The kids first snowman!!

We found a massive snowball and no-one could pick it up.

Yetti footprints ???

The kids were beside themselves with excitement. YAY!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Bruny Island

Wednesday 9th June our tribe descended on Bruny Island. Of course there was the customary stop at Cambell Town and on this trip we decided to lunch by the bridge, the ducks decided to share. The weather was fierce; raging winds and pounding rain as we arrived at our accommodation - Wombat Cottage, Adventure Bay (AB-discovered by Abel Tasman 1642 and where both Captain Cook and Tobias Furneaux landed in 1773). Crackling fires, novels and games made stopping home very inviting.

We did venture out a few times though: a walk/bike ride down Adventure Bay, a wind beating down at Cape Bruny Lighthouse and most of our gang found they DO NOT have sea legs.

In their defence, we clambered aboard the cruise in rather rough conditions. Despite upset tummies and bitter cold, we beheld breath-taking scenery and awe inspiring albatros, seals, and dolphins. We could totally sympathise with Abel Tasman who had attempted to land in Adventure Bay so long ago, but was prevented by inclement weather.

On our trip home we climbed to Truganini Lookout and took in the phenomenal views, then stopped to hoard some Bruny Island Fudge and just missed the Bruny Island Cheese Company's operating hours (but were able to pick up a piece of Bastard, Lewis and 1792 [which has a very "pongy" aroma] at the fruit shop at Kettering, will let you know what we think when we've braved a taste).

Our stay on Bruny Island was magnificent and we will endeavour to return.