Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Our departure from canberra was quite a bit later than we had planned, so our arrival in Sydney was a bit traumatic for Mum. She had booked into a little caravan park on the south, but the managers were from Melbourne and couldn't or wouldn't give any directions for fear of getting us more lost. After Mum drove round and round Redfern she didn't think it could get any worse.

She called 5 minutes before the office closed and they said don't worry just drive in and find a spot and come pay us in the morning.

We finally made it at bout 9:30pm but made ourselves comfortable. We got up early and headed to the beach looking over Botany bay, we had a little play but then saw a bab's nappy on the beach and felt a bit off, so decided to head for the city.

Then the fun began!! We parked right under the Opera House where they were setting up for the big Oprah Winfrey show. Crazy people were lined up all da trying to get tickets, meanwhile we went on a jetboat ride. What a hoot!!

It was fantastic to be out on the harbour on such a beautiful day and see everything from a different perspective.

There was a very entertaining street performer who rode the tallest unicycle in the world. He said he was the world champion. He really was good.

After some yummy Robin and Baskin icecreams we headed north, out of the city.

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